Wednesday, January 25, 2012

10 Tips On How To Survive On Mt. Pulag, Benguet, Philippines

Posted: February 1, 2011 in Travel


1. Prepare your hiking gear. Here’s the list: pants, waterproof jacket, raincoat, shoes, tent, flashlight or head lamp and sleeping bag. Optional: altimeter, GPS and stove.

 2. Always expect the worst. Make sure your clothes are thick enough to stand extreme cold. Last time, I literally wore the following but still I felt the cold: Two Shirts. Three Sweaters. Thick jacket. Legging maong pants. Two sets of jogging pants. One trekking pants. Rain coat. Bonnet or Cap. A pair of gloves. Three pairs of socks.

So, its up to you to secure anything that will keep you really warm; make sure they’re handy. It is better to be paranoid than to suffer hypothermia or altitude dizziness on the mountain helplessly. Expect the worst temperature you can encounter, which may be 2 degrees Celsius and lower!

3. There is a potable water source near Camp Site Two. This is good news since you need not to bring 6 liters of water from Ranger’s Camp to Summit. All you have to do is to keep your bottles handy and you are now ready to taste the natural spring water of Mt. Pulag for free!

4. Observe the Cultural Code of Conduct and the Mountaineer’s Credo. Ms. Emerita Albas a.k.a. Tamiray will conduct a 5-min video and 20-min lecture to climbers before they proceed to hike Mt. Pulag, so listen. Mt. Pulag is considered as a sacred place, therefore for your own safety, follow the rules (aside from gods and goddesses, there are entities in the mountain as observed by our colleague who has the “gift to see the unseen” while our group was trekking at around 1 AM).

5. It is mandatory to get a local guide but the porter is optional. To make things easier, take this advice. As these people will not only watch over you but also inspire you to keep going especially porters who climb with ease the trail while carrying heavy loads you assigned to them!

6. Make your first aid kit available. This must include medicines for fever, colds, cough, pain killers, antihistamine, etc. Take note that Ms. Emerita will assign a first aider for your group aside from the team leader and the sweeper. The role of the first aider is really challenging but it is worth it to help save someone else’s life.

7. When you still feel the cold despite putting all your available clothes on, try to put your poncho (or any thin rain coat) first, then your shirt, jacket and so on. This is effective. I have prevented my cousin from getting hypothermia by doing this.

8. Stay full and warm. Bring ready-to-eat foods like bread and chocolate snacks. Also, canned goods, noodles, lomi, coffee or chocolate drinks. Because the temperature is really low especially between 11 PM until 4 AM, cooking or preparing hot drinks is really helpful in keeping yourself warm. And don’t forget your energy foods and drinks!

9. Group hug will make your friendship strong. Who says group hug is only used to express happiness with friends? Yes, it can also be during dire need- extreme cold- that group hug will help not only to keep your bond closer but also this will save your life!

10. Pray. There is no one who can keep you from harm or save you other than our great God. So, pray not only for your group to see the sea of clouds (hehehe) but also to be safe during your entire stay on Mt. Pulag and as you travel way back home.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Why oh why?!

As I've mentioned before,I've been trying to avoid JL as a means of self preservation. Nothing is going on, nothing is happening, he's not even asking me out so I don't think anything is gonna happen. Might as well forget about him and move on. Stop being stupid. Just move on, move on, move on!

Anyways, this is not meant to be a rant about me moving on. I actually wanted to prove how difficult it is to really move on if the guy your trying to forget works with you everyday. What's worst, this afternoon when we had our little get-together, he had to squeeze himself into the room and sit beside me. Why oh why?! Then when I said something to one of our colleagues and they were laughingm he tapped my shoulder and said that's below the belt. He was laughing. Then he whispered to me and asked who's the new staff. It was kind intimate and weird coz at first I didn't understand what he was saying. The torture doesn't end there, he had to get a spoon and get a piece of my cupcake! So we're eating from one plate sharing a cupcake! Why why why!!! It's pure torture! God! Unrequited love sucks! REALLY SUCKS BIG TIME! I want him sooooooo freaking bad! And he looked so cute when he blushed earlier. Darn I'm going crazy! Btw, I kinda flirted with him too thru body language. Crossing my legs and letting him take a small peak at my legs.

I'm proud of myself though coz I didn't do anything extraordinary to feed his ego. I was upset with him in the morning coz he was speaking Tagalog which I dunno where he learned. I hate knowing all these stuff. I'd rather be ignorant. :(

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm weak

Earlier on my way home, I've finally succumbed to my weakness. I decided to wait on JL and "bump in him" on my way home so we have time to chat. I was holding my iPod and he he said go on don't mind me, put it on your ears. Told him it's ok I don't wanna be rude. He said thanks. Then he started talking about the PR and that he's pretty that I've done mine since that's what our director was waving at us. Though he said he didn't see what was written there of course. Then he asked me what the staff has said about him. Well, we were not supposed to say anything but I told him I'll tell him if he tells me what they said about me. He said lots of good stuff were told about me and Szasza and that the two of us were pretty much the ones carrying the whole division. It's good news but I wanted more. I've always been the star and I don't wanna share any limelight! I want the freaking highest mark! I need it to get promoted or even considered to be promoted!

So, I told him what the staff feedback was and that it's all good. Nothing negative. He was fishing for more info as to who the staff hate most now. I was already at my car but he stopped and probably wanted to talk some more. But I'm not gonna give it to him. He can't charm me anymore out of my socks. So, I told him he got what he wanted to know and shouldn't ask for anything more. That's what he wanted and I'm not saying anything more. He said fair enough and went on. This time I'm more conscious about being used. I won't be that person anymore. The eager beaver. No way! I have to resist his charms or else I'll go crazy! I won't wait for him again. It's just pathetic!

P.S. I miss my baby! Why isn't he calling? :(

something on my throat

For a couple of days now I feel like there's something on my throat. I don't know what it is but I found out from this website that it's called "globus pharyngeus" whic is caused by stress. Will to go to the ENT and confirm it. Will go there this Sat. 

For the record, my back still hurts! And my hamstrings too. DARN!!!!

performance review time

Yesterday, my back was really painful maybe because I was under a lot of (emotional) stress. I found out that all the staff are consistently impressed with one of my junior colleagues and it has upset me. It really sucks coz I was hoping that I would get the highest mark this year since it would really help me on getting promoted. I think people in this division hates me. I just feel it. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid since I was not really making any effort in being friendly these days.

Since my shoulders and back were persistent on being painful, I decided to treat myself to a massage. Not just a massage but a really good one. In a really nice posh palace and I wasn't sorry I did. The Spa was just heaven. Right after that I felt really good. It cost me P1,100 for an executive room (your own room). Too bad I wasn't able to use the sauna. Maybe next time I'll maximize my time there. I really love it though. The place, the ambience, the hot ginger tea,a nd my Swedish massage. Just perfect!!!

Then on my way home, my peace and quiet was broken by this accident. Gosh! I'm soo glad no one was hurt. I mean there are lots of runners in the area and I'm so glad I wasn't crossing the street or something. One car was making a right turn while the other was going straight. So, the straight car bumped into the right-turning vehicle. I knew these crossing was dangerous because it says "right turn cautiously on green lgiht". I guess they missed the wour "cautiously" there. What a mess! I can just here the beep and the metal scratching into each other. That was some wake-up call for me coz sometimes I drive like a mentally derranged person. Speeding like hell and driving like I'm in a computer game.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


What's wrong with me?

I don't know what's going on with me. I feel sick! My head is heavy and I feel like throwing up. Then earlier I my side and back hurts too much. I don't know if all this not talking thing is getting to me. I might be too stressed out already. Then to make things worst, during the meeting I can't help but steal some glances at JL. God he is cute! I feel like crying! Why can't I have this guy? WHY WHY WHY!!!!!

This is getting unhealthy. I have to leave this place!

Anyways, I decided to book a massage at The Spa. It's a bit pricey but what the hell, I've never had a massage for a long time. It's time I get one really good massage!

What's in store for Snakes

Snake1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

Snakes will have a step ahead this year. They have to maintain good relationships with people to avoid isolation, or else the operation of their work or business will be affected. Financially, money luck is quite fortunate this year for Snakes. On love affairs, two romantic stars appear under the sign. They indicate that romantic sparks are easily ignited. Love life will blossom into permanent relationships. On health, the existence of the “Sickness Star” signifies that Snakes will easily get sick. They have to pay special attention to their lungs and respiratory problems.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter of Intent

My broker just called up to request me to prepare a letter of intent to purchase my unit since the buyer was informed that it will take 60 WORKING DAYS (from yesterday 16 Jan) for my loan to get processed. That's already maximum no. of days, which gives me until 9 April. Gosh! Such a looooong long time! But I don't have any other option. And so the WAITING begins.

As for the letter of interest, I found a site which shows the "how-to" of preparing an LOI and a sample. Since I have every intention of purchasing the place, I guess I have no problem doing it. I just need to consult a lawyer and ask them to review it so I don't get myself into trouble of something. Gosh it's sooo hard to be an adult. =)

Monday, January 16, 2012

IKEA here in Makati?

My friend CC mentioned to me over lunch today that there is an Ikea here in Makati. Huwwaaaat! I was so happy to find out about it I googled it right away. It's true there is one in Makati. According to real living's blog, there is one in Makati and here's the map.

There are also other IKEA showrooms in the city. Here are some of their websites:
QC –
New Manila –
Palanan Makati –

I can't wait to check these places out. =)

It's only Monday

Yes. It's only Monday and yet I'm already too worked up. Must be hormones or something... I'm just really annoyed at something, someone, the system, everyone!

I suddenly remembered what I overheard last week. A job was supposed to be endorsed to me where I'm supposed to travel and do some "technical" work. I think I can do it if given the chance. But then, the officer refused to take me along thinking that I don't have enough experience, etc. etc. and taking along someone else who is as inexperienced as me. Ok so he's already doing technical work, but still not the job that he's expected to deliver. I felt really insulted because this officer used to praised his old assistant that she can do this, do that and yet doesn't want to give the benefit of the doubt to me. He wasn't even willing to give me a chance! I am INSULTED!!!! I'm not just some pretty bimbo who doesn't know anything. I had my MBA for God's sake! What. A. Hypocrite.

Kind reminds me of the guy that I'm supposed to hate. He also doesn't think I can do it on my own. He thinks I need help from someone. Well, I won't go with him on mission even if he insists. If they don't give me a chance, that only means they don't believe in my capabilities. It sucks. Really.

So what do I do with this information? Do NOTHING. That's right, I won't do anything. No more small favors or whatever. It doesn't count anyway. Nothing counts. People here thinks I know a lot of things because I've been here a long time. They don't credit it to my intelligence. They think it's experience. It's really sad. I think best if I just leave this place. There's nothing left for me here. Time to just move on.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Night of fun

Tonight I had this oh so yummy Lola Ising's fried adobo at Cafe Adriatico (P435). I tried to make one last Christmas but it didn't work out. Hehehe Perhaps the cuts were too small and that maybe I should have deep fried it.


I also found a gem of a place at Adriatico - The Bar @ 1951. There's this really cool jazz band playing in a small 3-storey place. Kinda reminds me of one of those secret society of jazz lovers. It's like any moment someone's going to read a poem or something. Cool crowd too. Kinda collegey (I don't think that's a word hehe). Lot's of foreigners too. I was suprised and impressed. At least these guys know how to have fun and are staying away from stuffy "sosyal" place and live in their expat bubble. Puke! [Just a side story, I saw JL go home and he stopped at RH's room before he left. He was making jokes and laughing and everything perhaps for my benefit or whatever. Something about RH being 37 etc etc and he's making an immitation. I just ignored him and didn't say anything. I was so proud of myself for my self control. Feels good to stick to my guns!]

Friday, January 13, 2012


What to do, what to do... It's Friday night and I have no plans!!! RATS!!!!

Now I miss "my baby". Yes, I have a "baby", well kinda pretend baby coz I'm not really taking him seriously. What do you expect? I met him at one of the popular and hottest club in the city. You don't take people you meet in those places seriously, right? So, when he asked for my number I said "ok, later" not really intending to give it to him. =) But, then he asked for it again and thought "what the heck" and gave my number. We could be friends, right? Since I don't really have friends I can hangout with and do my kind of thing. My friends have become old and boring (ok, not really but you know what I'm trying to say here). They don't go out as frequently as I want to and not to the places that I wanna hangout in.

So, after that meeting we went out on our first date on New Years day (afternoon 'til evening). Then again and again. Now he's away on vacation and I'm left with no one again! And BFF is also not here yet! She got sick and her flight was moved to a later date. Darn! I'll be companionless until she's here on her vacation on 27th. Can't wait!!!

Ok so back to what to do. Lemme see.... I'll go to that couture shop nearby then dinner at Boun Giornio. My other single friend told me she'll try to join me for dinner then we'll go and have an occular in Adriatico. Cool!! Now I have a plan! =)

Ikea Shopping - Kitchen

The most important part of my place would be the kitchen because I love love love to cook and bake!!! So, it will be the focal point of my home. In other word, the design of my unit would revolve around my kitchen. It has to be well-equipped and very comfy with lots of work space!

Some IDEAS from Ikea (Singapore). Kitchen for small spaces!

More Kitchens! Some of my faves....

Ikea shopping - More on living room

I have one sofa bed in mind from CADI (P45,000; dimension 80 x 39), but I like some of these Ikea ones too!!!

Hemnes, Cost S$799
Product dimensions
Length: 200 cm
Width: 99 cm
Height: 86 cm
Mattress length: 189 cm
Mattress width: 92 cm

Hemnes, Cost S$799
Product dimensions
Length: 197 cm
Width: 98 cm
Height: 91 cm
Mattress length: 189 cm
Mattress width: 92 cm

I like these cabinets/side table to...

Hemnes Linen Cabinet, Cost S$449
Product dimensions
Width: 110 cm
Depth: 51 cm
Height: 132 cm

Hemnes chest drawer, Cost S$169
Product dimensions
Width: 55 cm
Depth: 39 cm
Depth of drawer: 31 cm
Height: 67 cm

Ikea Shopping - Bedroom

I also want this from Ikea (Singapore)!!!

Product dimensions
Width: 99 cm
Depth: 60 cm
Height: 82 cm

Bedroom IDEAS from Ikea (Singapore)...

Beds, beds, beds!

BIRKELAND Bed frame, Cost S$849
Product dimensions
Length: 199 cm
Width: 163 cm
Footboard height: 67 cm
Headboard height: 119 cm
Mattress length: 189 cm
Mattress width: 152 cm

BRIMNES Bed frame with storage, Cost S$399
Product dimensions
Length: 195 cm
Width: 158 cm
Height: 47 cm
Mattress length: 189 cm
Mattress width: 152 cm


BRIMNES Headboard with storage compartment, Cost $$169
Product dimensions
Width: 158 cm
Depth: 28 cm
Height: 111 cm
Mattress width: 152 cm

BEKKESTUA Headboard, Cost S$399
Product dimensions
Width: 152 cm
Height: 120 cm

Ikea shopping - Living room/Entrance Hall

I want this shoe storage!

STÄLL, Cost S$259

IDEAS for TV/entertainment center (in various color options)!

BESTÃ…, Cost S$905

More IDEAS....

BESTÃ…, Cost S$840

EXPEDIT, Cost S$399

Or this simple but functional TV rack...

MAVAS, Cost S$129

Side table...

KLUBBO, Cost S$179

Home interior measurements

While waiting for the cashier to call my name, better use my time in a productive way and list down all my home interior measurements.

Here it is (in inches)...

Entrance Hall:
Cabinet for coats/shoes (12W x 47L)
Bookshelve (12W x 42L)

Table (47W x 70L)
Chairs, 4/6pcs (16W x 23L)

Counter w/ lavatory (25W x 70L)
Stove top (21W x 22L)
Island counter (22W x 52L)
Fridge (27W x 25L)

Living room:
Shelf (16W x 26L)
TV rack (20W x 100L)
Side table (24W x 24L)
Sofa bed (31W x 81L)
Chairs (23W x 22L)
Coffee table (25W x 55L)

Bed (65W x 78L)
Night table (15W x 15L)
Study table/vanity desk
Chair (16W x 17L)

Washing machine (23W x 23L)

(Sometime after I typed dinig chairs I got my car sticker. Yippee! That was quick and it's only 9:30am! It pays to be early.)

Car registration time

I'm at one of the LTO braches for my car registration. One of the "perks" of driving! Should have ask our inhouse agency to do it for me, but as always, I was out of funds and I missed the smoke emission. I glad there are not so many people today!

I'm done with smoke emission (P410), stencil, TPL insurance (P850 even w/ my private comprehensive insurance! Now, I'm just waiting for the cashier to call me so I can pay. Hope it won't be long.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bed, Mattress and Sheeting Sizes 101

  • Mattress Sizes
    • Twin--39 x 75 inches (or 99 x 190 cm)
    • X-Long Twin--39 x 80 inches (99 x 203 cm)
    • Full--54 x 75 inches (137 x 190 cm)
    • Queen--60 x 80 inches (or 153 x 203 cm)
    • King--76 x 80 inches (or 198 x 203 cm)
    • California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm)

  • Fitted Sheet Sizes
    • Twin--39 x 75 inches (or 99 x 190 cm)
    • X-Long Twin--39 x 80 inches (99 x 203 cm)
    • Full--54 x 75 inches (137 x 190 cm)
    • Queen--60 x 80 inches (or 153 x 203 cm)
    • King--76 x 80 inches (or 198 x 203 cm)
    • California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm)

  • Flat Sheet Sizes
    • Twin--66 x 96 inches (or 167 x 243 cm)
    • X-Long Twin--66 x 102 inches (or 167 x 259 cm)
    • Full--81 x 96 inches (or 205 x 243 cm)
    • Queen--90 x 102 inches (or 228 x 259 cm)
    • King/California King--108 x 102 inches (or 274 x 259 cm)

  • Comforter Sizes
    • Twin--68 x 86 inches (or 173 x 218 cm)
    • Full/Queen--86 x 86 inches (or 218 x 218 cm)
    • King/California King--100 x 90 inches (or 254 x 229 cm)


First on my list for 2012 it to move to my own CRIB. Soon I'll be able to do just that! YIPEE! Hopefully it all works out!

Last night I was up until 4:00am to work on my floor plan. Home Design 3D ipad app rules! I love it. It shows what my options are in terms of maximizing my 36.79 SQM floor area. :)

Here's my finished product (please don't mind the excess :)):

Some measurements that I have to keep in mind:

Bathroom 5.1 m²/55 ft²
Bedroom 9.5 m²/102 ft²
Entrance Hall 11.5 m²/123 ft²
Living Room 12.0 m²/128 ft²
Total: 38.1 m²/409 ft²

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why I should hate this guy... 

1. When he's traveling, he only talks to me when he needs a favor from me.
2. He sits away from me during division lunch/dinner.
3. He told me he wouldn't want to go with me if not in a group.
4. When I was tipsy, I told him we can go to his place and hangout and he refused. He said I'm dangerous.
5. When he invited me and LA for lunch once, he actually wanted us to go and eat at the cafe.
6. No. 5 also happened before with me. I was embarrassed.
7. He doesn't want to go dancing with me.
8. He doesn't want a planned meetup. Only accidental ones.
9. When we went clubbing, he didn't buy me drinks. Instead, he just left me alone with my cousin while he smoked and flirted with other women.
10. He had a Latin party and he never invited me. In fact, he never once mentioned it to me.
11. When I told him I wanna meet his sister, he said I should go to Boracay. Then when his family dropped by at the office, he never introduced them to me. Only to SS and the other local staff.
12. Today, I heard him chatting with the rest of the local stuff but never came by.
13. Since he had a new assistant, he doesn't come to me and talk anymore. I guess he doesn't need me anymore.
14. Today, he never once came to my desk and said hi. Then it was time to go home.
15. He thinks he's all that!
16. He likes telling me all his stories, but when it's my turn he never listens.
17. He probably knows I'm into him and uses it to his benefit.
18. He's Spanish. They think they're superior.
19. He only invited IS friends to his party.
20. He hangs out with SS coz SS is rich and hangs out with rich people.

Monday, January 09, 2012


I've decided to create another blog to welcome the new me. The new me who's not going to give a shit to anyone, esp if he/she doesn't give a shit about me! Ok ok, this is not an angry blog. I'm just saying. :-)

It's 2012 and at 34 (going on 35!) it's the perfect time to reinvent myself.