Monday, January 16, 2012

It's only Monday

Yes. It's only Monday and yet I'm already too worked up. Must be hormones or something... I'm just really annoyed at something, someone, the system, everyone!

I suddenly remembered what I overheard last week. A job was supposed to be endorsed to me where I'm supposed to travel and do some "technical" work. I think I can do it if given the chance. But then, the officer refused to take me along thinking that I don't have enough experience, etc. etc. and taking along someone else who is as inexperienced as me. Ok so he's already doing technical work, but still not the job that he's expected to deliver. I felt really insulted because this officer used to praised his old assistant that she can do this, do that and yet doesn't want to give the benefit of the doubt to me. He wasn't even willing to give me a chance! I am INSULTED!!!! I'm not just some pretty bimbo who doesn't know anything. I had my MBA for God's sake! What. A. Hypocrite.

Kind reminds me of the guy that I'm supposed to hate. He also doesn't think I can do it on my own. He thinks I need help from someone. Well, I won't go with him on mission even if he insists. If they don't give me a chance, that only means they don't believe in my capabilities. It sucks. Really.

So what do I do with this information? Do NOTHING. That's right, I won't do anything. No more small favors or whatever. It doesn't count anyway. Nothing counts. People here thinks I know a lot of things because I've been here a long time. They don't credit it to my intelligence. They think it's experience. It's really sad. I think best if I just leave this place. There's nothing left for me here. Time to just move on.

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